Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Day 25 - Inspiration

I have been blogging about things that inspire me "that day" or "the day before".  As a cover your ass maneuver, I have also created a list of subjects that I can blog about when I run out of things to blog about.  However due to my job, I am all too familiar with C.Y.A. maneuvers and have a sadly pragmatic understanding of how they work over a period of time. 

Thus far, I have 19 items on my back up list.  I have 342 blogs left for 2012.  Even though I hate math with the white hot fire of a thousand suns (Sorry Mrs. Braun!  To be super clear, I ALWAYS loved your class and being your student.), that is a pretty obvious indication that I need to dole out my back up blogs wisely.

In the spirit of remaining positive, this blog is a holla to all of the blatant inspiration that I have in my life.  Honestly, I've been able to go 25 days in a row without even having to ponder "Hmmm...what made me happy today", which is pretty awesome.

Even now as I type, I look around my dining room and kitchen and see about fifteen things that I could snap a picture of and talk about their happy-making attributes.  It pains me that I have sworn not to talk about Joel, Riley and Sophie until their birthdays because they do things that make me happy every single day.  Hell, this glass that I'm drinking wine out of makes me happy. *

I love the fact that so many things in my life can act as my writing muse.  (Shameless plug:  Have you heard of Adobe Muse?  We have been having onsite meetings all week.  If you love creating websites, you should totally check it out. This word is stuck in the forefront of my mind right now, which made it extra super eery that Karen blogged about it today.)

In summation, thank you my awesome life, for giving me so many reasons to be happy.  I'm sure there will be many, many days ahead in which I struggle to remember something that makes me happy.  Today, however, I rejoice in the endless possibilities.  

* I got this wine glass as a 2011 summertime visit gift from my mommy-in-law, Mama Mae.  She saw it and decided that it was made specifically for me.  Immediately after she gave it to me, I used it to drink wine while I was staying with them in ND.  Riley knocked version 1 of said wine glass over while I was there and broke it.  Mama Mae decided that the idea of me surviving without this wine glass was not acceptable, so she went out and bought me a replacement the next day.  **love**

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