Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Day 17 - Making Up

I am a firm believer that couples who never fight are suppressing their issues and destined for failure.  When I hear someone say "Oh, we never fight", my immediate thought is "I hope you have clearly labeled all of your CDs".  It's not natural to be a human being sharing your life with another human being and not piss each other off to high heaven every once in a while.

I'm not saying that I like fighting.  Even though I'm fairly competitive, assertive and  outspoken, I still don't look forward to confrontation.  I think I deal with it better than a lot of people, but it's not like I go out prowling for it.  Arguing is never fun, but it is so very, very necessary.

So, you have your blow out with the person you love.  There is yelling and anger and venting.  Sometimes there is walking away.  

Then there is the coming back.

After you've expended all of that negative energy and you sit down and you look at the person you love and you know you love them to hell and back no matter how much they make you angry...well, that's actually a really great feeling.  

Then you have the talk where you listen to each other with an intensity that you don't normally have.  You feel the connection. You cherish them a little bit more.  You hold them a little bit closer.  You are able to cut through all of the bullshit and remember why you signed up for this whole relationship business in the first place.

Then, there is the incredible sex.

Don't tell my mom I said that.

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