Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Day 10 - Shoes

Joel once made the mistake of asking me "How many pairs of shoes do you need?".  I responded with, "That is a good question baby.  How many video games do you need?".  For some mysterious reason, the conversation ended there.

I'm going to let you all in on a little secret.  The reason that I have an addiction to shoes (and jewelry and scarves and pretty much everything feminine, sparkly and billowy) is that when I put them on, they make me feel fantastic.  I realize that this is shallow.  I do not care. 

The reason that I don't care is that there are about a million other things that make me feel more fantastic.  For example, the first time I got to hold Annika or Finnegan; that first peek at their little faces made me feel happier than I can describe.  I can get a look from Joel that makes me feel more spectacular than a thousand shoe compliments from random strangers.  Giving to charity, awesome.  Having one of those days at work where I feel like I solved a really hard problem and helped someone on my team, invincible.  Helping my mother with her gardening on a quiet summer day, ecstactic.

There are other things that I value more than possessions.  My friends, my family, their wit, intellect, humor, candor, empathy and love.

All of this does not negate the extra spring in my step that I get when I am wearing a fantastic outfit, bottomed off with the perfect pair of shoes.   Never, ever underestimate the boost in confidence that comes with feeling and looking like a pretty, pretty princess.  

Ladies, you know what I'm talking about.

Guys, if you don't believe me, try it. If you don't want to try it, the least you can do is go out immediately and buy your lady a pair of glorious shoes.

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