Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Day 60 - My dog's unconditional love

Today was the kind of day that I had to struggle to think of something that made me happy. 

I got home this evening and while shoving leftover pizza in my face, I talked to Joel and Riley as much as I could in the 30 minutes I had in time before I had to dial in to my first meeting.  When I was finished, I ran around grabbing my phone, my laptop, my chargers, any other crap I needed to get together, went in to my room to set up and got ready for my meetings.  

As I was settling in, I looked down and Sophie was sitting on my bedroom floor with her stuffed hedgehog in her mouth, ready to play with mama. I stopped, looked at her and said "Oh puppy, I'm sorry.  I don't have time to play right now."  She dropped her hedgie, jumped up on the bed and settled down beside me to nap.

The purest form of unconditional love.  She doesn't need anything from me except to love her right back.  She just wants to be close to me.  

Joel says that when I have sleepovers at my girlfriends house, she sits on the couch and cries, staring at the front door and waiting for me to get home.  When I am home, she follows me from room to room.  When I lay down on the couch, she immediately jumps up and makes herself comfy on my legs.

Another day, Sophie Freckle Belly and all of her antics will be the subject of a blog.  That might seem like cheating, but she makes me so happy she deserves more than one blog to herself.  For today, the way that she loves me no matter what comforts me and makes me superbly happy.

I call this one "Mama, I've been waiting for you to come home my whole life!"

I call this one "Mama, I've been waiting for you to drop some ham on the floor for me my whole life!"

I call this one "Mama, I've been waiting for you to take a picture of us upside down snuggling my whole life!"

1 comment:

  1. LOVE your puppy! And yes, darling dogs deserve more than one blog post! :)
