Monday, February 27, 2012

Day 57 - Seattle Children's Museum

On Sunday, I went to the Seattle Children's Museum at the Seattle Center for the first time ever.  I was there for Finnegan's 3rd birthday.  Spoiler Alert:  The next blog is about Finn!

I had never had much of a reason to go.  I don't have kids and I don't watch anyone's kid often enough that it came up as a destination.  As I learned on Sunday, you can't actually go inside unless you have a kid.  I am in complete agreement with this policy, but it makes me sad that the gross nasty sickos have infected something that should be so sweet and innocent...because that place is ultra cool.

They have all of these little rooms with different themes.  Apparently they change some of them out from time to time, but it was fun to watch the kids running from area to area.  PLAY PRETEND CASHIER, RUN INTO PRETEND RESTAURANT, RUN OUT OF PRETEND RESTAURANT WITH STOLEN RUBBER FISH, PRETEND TO DRIVE BUS, BUILD SOMETHING COOL, RUN!  RUN!  RUN!  

It has been a long time since I've had to look down that much because there was danger of tripping over a wee one around every corner.  They were all so busy and happy.  Normally the thought of this many children in one area would terrify me, but it was actually really fun to see them all doing their thing.  Some independently, as though they were the only kids in the building.  Some focused on interacting with other people.  Some talking to the fish.  

I don't know, it was just happy making to see all those little germ factories having such a great time.

If you are a parent to a young child, live in this area and have never gone...get to it!

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