Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Day 49 - Cara

I met Cara under fairly unusual circumstances.  It happened one summer when Riley was up visiting, Joel told me that we were going to meet some old friends at the Seattle Aquarium so that they could see him.  (The year is up for debate.  Joel called Ty and they think 2004.  It was sometime between 2003 and 2005.  We are old and can't be bothered to recall such details with accuracy.)  Cara and Karen (Riley's mama) had been friends from the time they were five years old.  Being Joel's new lady, I was pretty sure I was heading off to be heavily judged by people who would immediately call her and give her the full report. 

When I expressed this concern to Joel he said "Honey, I understand why you are worried but they aren't those kind of people."  I was not convinced.  But then I met them.

Cara is one of those people who makes you feel comfortable immediately -- Ty too, but this blog isn't about him. ;)  In many ways, she reminds me of my niece Stacey; she is little sassy blond who loves life.  She's one of the only people that I know who can boss Joel around and get away with it.  She is also one of those genuinely good people that you read about in books.  She doesn't talk shit about people, she doesn't complain about much...mostly she just focuses on the good in people.  She is an amazing baker.  She is a phenomenal mother.  She is incredibly silly as proven by her addiction to Mad Libs and bad puns.  She doesn't use dirty words when she plays Mad Libs, which plays back to that whole good person thing.  Also, did I mention that she sasses Joel?  

In short, she is one of the few people that I love enough to happily share my birthday weekend with, and that should be saying a lot.

I just remember how easily we fell into a friendship, it was odd because that isn't how it normally works for me.  She invited Joel and I to her family's beach house the February after we met so that we could celebrate our birthdays together.  We spent the whole weekend together during a time when we were still just getting to know each other, which should have probably been awkward.  It wasn't.  It hasn't been, not since the moment I met her.  

I can't believe I almost forgot, but Cara is also one of the few people that I will sing karaoke with.  I am, of course, AMAZING when I'm singing alone in my car.  By some strange phenomenon, I become tone deaf when I sing around other people.  Even so, I feel comfortable enough with Cara to not care, to let go and to have fun.  

Basically, she makes me feel like a part of her family and I love that feeling.

So, Happy Birthday Cara!  Again!  Because I saw you on Saturday but I'm that behind on this blog!  ;)

Birthday Girls - 2/18/2012

1 comment:

  1. slight correction...we met when we were three. :)
    she is my very first memory. we were on the monkey bars. I looked at her and said hi. she looked at me like I was weird.
    we've been friends ever since. and she still gives me that look.

    p.s. I totally stalk your blog. I mean love. I totally love your blog.
