Monday, February 20, 2012

Day 47 - Spreadsheets

I think I've already mentioned that I'm a giant nerd, so going with that theme I am going to confess how happy spreadsheets make me.  

Long, long ago in another lifetime I did technical support for Microsoft products.  One of them was Excel.  Knowing all of the things I've confessed my love for so far, one would probably not guess that I fell in love with Excel the moment I started using it, until you read the next sentence.  

It does the math FOR me!

And all of a sudden it makes perfect sense, doesn't it?  

There is something about figuring out how to represent seven data points on two axes that drives me wild.  I make spreadsheets for everything.  I have tracked every single debit card transaction I've had in the same spreadsheet since 2004.  I save back ups often, I learned that when doing tech support.  ;)  I create a spreadsheet for almost every problem I have to solve at work because formulating things in rows and columns helps me make sense of them.  I am, in fact, tracking all of the things that I blog about on this blog in a spreadsheet that I set up to look like a calendar so that I can easily search and organize posts.  

There you have it folks...the tool that feeds my OCD better than any other.  That is, of course, until I get a label maker.

1 comment:

  1. Tiff, you and my husband would get along great!! He uses Excel for everything, even his resume. He does this money tracking thing called Wheres George and has every single bill and hit he has entered or gotten since he started around 2002.
