Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Day 38 - The McCooking Project

From the moment I saw Julie & Julia, I knew that I had to cook my way through an entire cookbook.  The idea was too grand to pass up.  I told Riley about it and he agreed that it was one of the best ideas ever.  

The only question was what kind of book to cook through.

Ri and I have gone back and forth on this quite a lot.  He suggested baking, probably because he is his mother's son and she is an amazing baker.  I liked the idea of baking through a book, but it seemed incredibly bad for the waistline.  

It's also hard to pick recipes that are just an entree or a side because then there is the extra work of pairing them.  The commitment to cook through the book is already pretty huge on it's own, I don't think we need to complicate things by adding pairing.  We would just end up making steak, rice or broccoli with EVERYTHING because those are the standard accoutrements in this house.  

This evening as Joel and I were browsing the book section in our local Costco, I came across this:

Did you hear that?  That was the sound of angels singing.  Protein and veggies in the same dish, low calorie, no pairing, easy clean up and "pot food" is one of my favorite things ever.  (I'm talking about food in one pot, and you know that, so stop giggling already.)

Likely on Saturday or Sunday, Ri and I will go through this book and we'll each pick out one thing that we are cooking next week.  I think I might start a FB album for it.   WAHOO!  I might always flake on exercising with him, but cooking is one thing I know I can commit to.  :-D

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