Friday, April 6, 2012

Day 97 - Massage

I am getting a massage this afternoon.  I've been trying to go as frequently as I am able because of the weird neck/shoulder thing that has been vexing me the last couple of months.  

My MT is this little ball of fire named Jenny and that's all I'm telling you.  It's already tricky finding available slots with her.  Not only does she KICK ASS at her job -- she has found tension in muscles I didn't know existed and banished it with her unnaturally strong hands -- she is covered by my insurance so it costs me $6.75 for an hour of pure bliss. (Well, 55 minutes of pure bliss.  That 5 minutes she's doing work in muscles under my arms is the opposite of bliss, but completely necessary.)

Also, she's adorable and she smells nice.  It's a win-win-win-win.

This is my happy making thing for today.  Since this blog is a shorty, I will also include for your viewing enjoyment and continued distraction, my favorite "massage" video:

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