Thursday, April 12, 2012

Day 102 - Vagina Feet

This blog was inspired by a pair of shoes.  However, strangely, when I was thinking about a title for it I remembered a funny story which reminded me of the shoes.  I decided to write about both in the same blog because you can't just throw titles like "Vagina Feet" around willy-nilly.

Sometimes on Saturday mornings, when I'm not enjoying my alone time, I will stay in bed with my husband.  He and I engage in a variety of activities which may or may not include watching something on the iPad, playing with the dog, having a morning delight, or simply taking the opportunity to enjoy some time for conversation.  

A few months back, we were lying in bed on one such Saturday morning and discussing events for the day.  I can't remember what we were going to make the poor McSlaveBoy do, I just remember saying "We should ask Riley to do that".  Joely started giggling.  When I asked why, he confessed that he had been testing out a theory.  He realized a few days back that Ri would answer to almost any name that Joel called out.  For example...

J:  Hey Arby!
R:  Yeah?

J:  Hey Buttface!
R:  Yeah?

J:  Hey Fart Knocker!
R:  Yeah?

I said "Anything?" and he responded with a wicked grin "Yes.  Anything."  A few moments later...

J:  Hey Vagina Feet!
R:  ...yeah?  and...did you just call me vagina feet?

We laughed so hard that we cried.  It was delightful.  Lucky for all of us, Vagina Feet didn't stick.  

On to the shoes... 

The other day, in my internet browsing, I came across these shoes:
When I sent them to Joel he responded with "what the hell is that?!?".  I reassured him that I was not planning on buying the shoes, I just thought they were hilarious.  He made some other comments, like he does, about how he was shocked I didn't like them because they were hideous.

It was right then that I decided my new justification for any pair of shoes that I buy from now until the end of days is "Hey, at least they don't look like vaginas."

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