Thursday, February 2, 2012

Day 33 – Giant Fork and Spoon

Ever since I started my love affair with cooking, I have wanted a set of those "70’s-tastic-oversized -fork-and-spoon" sets to hang on a wall in my kitchen.  I have no idea why; even I admit that it was one of my more ridiculous obsessions. 

While I was putzing around my local Value Village, which is one of my favorite things to do, I came upon a shelf FILLED with multiples of the exact same "70’s-tastic-oversized -fork-and-spoon" sets in some gross dark brown wood finish.  I can only assume that a nearby restaurant decided they were sick of competing with the Old Country Buffet for clientele and concluded that they needed a make-over.  All I know is that I bought a set for $8 and I was on the top of the world. 

As it happened, Kai was planning a sleep over the Friday after I purchased them, so I made her come out into the garage with me and help with the stripping and the sanding.  At first, she was underwhelmed, but the very second she got to play with my Dewalt Power Sander, she was hooked.  I don’t blame her, that was really what sent me over the edge with my refinishing hobby as well.  After we got rid of the old, we stained them a beautiful green-blue, thus restoring them to their never before realized, glorious potential.

Long story short, these decorations make me happy for a few reasons.  The first because they have fulfilled a long standing, albeit bizarre, obsession.  The second, because I was able to finally prove to myself that I’m a bona fide foodie for having ridiculously over-sized food related decorations in my kitchen.  And last but obviously not least, I got to make them beautiful with one of my besties.

1 comment:

  1. You didn't mention the fact that you and Kai were intoxicated with paint fumes by the end of the project!
