Saturday, January 7, 2012

Day 7 - Zombies

One of the first things that Joely and I ever bonded over was our love of Zombies.  I can't even really say why Zombies took precedence over other horror movie monsters, but for as long as I can remember they have been our thing.  I asked him tonight if he could count how many Zombie movies we had watched together and we both laughed.  I drink a lot of wine and he can't remember where his keys are most of the time, so recalling something like this is basically impossible for the likes of us. 

All I know is that they have played a major part in our lives.  We commissioned a co-worker of Joel's to do a picture of he and I as Zombies and it is currently hanging over our mantel.  Our parents hate it, but we think it is pretty much the best thing ever.

But back to the whole "Why Zombies" question. It could be the fact that Zombies are unrelenting. They have a primal need to survive so they never stop.  They never give up.  All they want to do is eat your brains, and unless your aim is spot on, they are really hard to kill.  Most disturbing of all though, is the fact that anyone you know, anyone you love, could turn into a zombie at any point.   

This is what makes the hero/heroine's turning point so awesome.  It's not the same as a man vs. nature, or man vs. alien horror.  They need to learn to let go of everything they thought was normal and real and somewhere in the midst all of that, keep their own humanity. the right kind of Zombie movies...they always do.  

Anyway, we just finished watching "La Horde" as a family and now we are on to "Zombies of Mass Destruction" (which we, of course, have already seen). 

  • Watch every George A. Romero movie made. 
  • Read the book Ten Little Zombies. Joel  bought it for me last year for Valentines Day.  It is an odd little bit of insight into the way that we love each other. 
  • Tell me the first thing you would do when faced with a pending Zompocalypse.  
  • Listen to "RE: Your Brains".  Joel and I know this whole song by heart, because that's just how we roll.
  • Look at this picture of us:

1 comment:

  1. get some grade a weaponry, and get the fuck to a boat. I am pretty sure you saw my in case of zombpacalyse book, or I told you the plan. actually also wrap annika in many layers so they have to chew for a while to bite her and hopefully i can kill them before she becomes a zombie
