Sunday, January 22, 2012

Day 21 - When Joel Cleans the Bathroom

I'm behind, so I'm going to make this a quick one.  

Of all of the places in my house that absolutely must be clean, it is the bathroom.  There is nothing more disgusting than a dirty, nasty, hairy bathroom.  It is the stuff of nightmares.  Considering how much it freaks me out when the bathroom is gross, you would think I would be all over making sure it was clean.  However, I have a finite amount of time and a lot on my plate so it doesn't always get done as often or as quickly as I would like.

When Joel and I had a talk about this, he told me that he would start cleaning the bathroom so that I wouldn't have to worry about  it.  Awwww, what a guy!  

The other thing about him cleaning the bathroom is that he does it properly.  I know that sounds weird, but my mom taught me how to clean a freaking house and I have a pretty specific idea of how I like things to be cleaned.  He gets it and I love that.  

Now...I should go soak in my sparkling tub.  :-)



  1. When we were living in NYC about 30 years ago, Keelin left to travel with her family in Europe for three months. When she returned to Brooklyn, one of the first things she noticed is that I had not cleaned the bathtub in three months. I was baffled. I only take showers, I told her. . .

  2. JACK! That is so horrible. I hope you bought her something pretty to make up for the undoubted trauma you caused her when she caught her first glimpse of that toilet.
